
Zedi Roughneck™ helps you track stuff

Written by Grand Lau | Jan 11, 2018 8:30:00 PM


Have you seen the dashboards on today’s cars? The information they give you is amazing—you can almost get where you’re going by watching the dashboard alone.

The idea, of course, is to consolidate information you need in order to stay safe; what’s behind you, beside you and in front of you and when they get too close.

Zedi’s Roughneck™ software is a lot like that. It tells you the location of equipment like compressors, pumpjacks and other onsite equipment, along with pipeline inventory, preventative maintenance programs and more, so that’s what’s around you. It also lets you track moves of that equipment so your information stays current.

We’re working on a new analytics module which will give you new insights into the data that you track in Zedi Roughneck™. The new analytics module will provide graphing, drill down, filtering and other advanced reporting features.

It lets you schedule and generate work orders for PMs and other proactive repairs and send out email reminders when the deadline is approaching—that’s what’s coming up in front of you. It will also let you create one-time work orders for when, despite your best PM (Project Management) efforts, something has the audacity to break anyway.

In fact, here are the bullet points on everything it does:

  • Enables you to track equipment
  • Confirm the exact location of your inventory
  • Reduces risk of non-compliance
  • Schedule and generate work orders for proactive and reactive maintenance
  • System reminders and escalations
  • Reports for total maintenance activity and a complete audit trail
  • Review, approve and documentation of change request and compliance
  • Manage pipeline inventory
  • Track safety incidents and safety manuals

I don’t know if that sounds complicated, but it’s really pretty simple—and much easier than keeping up with all those things on spreadsheet files on 15 different computers, all with slightly different information. Zedi Roughneck™ puts it on the web where everybody can access it even if the office is closed or the main point of contact is on vacation.

As you build up historical data, you can also track stuff like, is there a location that generates more/less work orders than the others, and, if so, what’s up with that? Or, which compressor manufacturer’s equipment needs the most/least repairs? The new Analytics module will allow for all this data to be accessed at your fingertips, with the option to customize your dashboards.

It also creates reports on previous maintenance work and can track safety incidents—what’s behind you.

Many of our end users work for are small to medium sized operations who were tired of searching though spreadsheets, fumbling through multiple data sources and just wanted one simple place to keep track of their data while also being easily accessible. That’s without spending a fortune on overly complicated software.

Let people in different departments, locations and time zones collaborate on site changes and risk management—something I’ll address more fully in a future post.