
Find the real value of your operations

Written by Amy Thibault | Nov 15, 2022 5:15:00 PM


I'm betting it's safe to say you've had enough of the endless stream of singular reports piling on your desk! With a single report from one end of the operation paper clipped to another report from the middle, you’re constantly sorting everything manually, or hand-entering it into several separate databases. Maybe some of your reports are from yesterday and others are from last week. Maybe the databases are scattered on computers or servers in several locations.

How can you make good (or any) business decisions or locate issues when everything is scattered, missing, in the wrong pile, stapled to the wrong report or accidentally tossed out?

Without a unified report you may not be able to see how a small issue in one area can lead to a big need down the line—until it’s too late. You need a single source for sensor data up and down the line, as it happens?

Zedi SaaS SCADA gives you end-to-end centralized-data in real time from every sensor you have installed; and it lands exactly where it should; totally organized, ready to utilize with actionable data insights and analytics. That way, when things change in one area, you and your people can make adjustments elsewhere as soon as they’re needed. This can smooth the workflow all along the way. If repairs or maintenance are required, you can do them quickly and get back to full speed, keeping processes rolling.

Complete, real-time data empowers you to make the best decisions quickly because you have all the pieces in front of you, in visuals and graphs that paint a very clear picture.


Speed to efficiency

Now your management people can see what’s happening anywhere in the process without losing time to a personal inspection in many cases. With sensors monitoring vibrations, voltages, temperatures, rpm and other details, you’ll actually know more through Zedi SaaS SCADA than you’d learn from almost any set of ears and eyes anyway.

Do you have locations in varied time zones or distant continents? Ownership in one hemisphere, management in another and onsite supervision in yet another? Some parties may have to swig some caffeine, but everyone will have the same clear, understandable and actionable data at the same Greenwich Mean Time, in the palm of their hand.

All of this works for you because our software enables you to compile data from any digital monitoring hardware, via gateways that support a wide variety of protocols. So there’s no need to replace or update hardware unless you were going to do that anyway, to get the most complete and accurate data.

Also, we provide you with a web interface—or we can push data into any platform you’re already using and comfortable with.

And for some icing on the cake; we run on Microsoft Azure™ which means we have strong cybersecurity. Microsft employs over 3500 security people to keep our platform secure and your data safe.

In short, we capture and tame big data, putting it to work for you in decisions, production efficiency and a lot of other ways that help your organization meet your lofty targets and keep your people and the communities they serve safer. Now it's easy for your operations to digitally transform. It’s all designed to help keep your processes up and running, people safe and your margins strong. We squeeze all this power into the palm of your hand or onto the screen on your desk.

When you’re ready to get every person, every department and every piece of your puzzle on the same page, contact us to learn more.