
Know natural gas distribution pressures

Written by Amy Thibault | Sep 26, 2023 8:11:00 PM



Municipal gas distribution systems require a delicate balance—keep the natural gas flowing in just the right amounts. If there’s too little, or none, people don’t get something the really need. The heater won’t run, they can't cook, the clothes dryer won't work; you know the consequences.

But too much is also a problem, one which can have massively dangerous consequences—especially if it’s natural gas! But there are thousands of people turning natural gas on and off across, in larger cities, dozens of square miles. Knowing how to manage pressures and flow rates is critical to people. Or when there is an over-pressure situation, being aware of it, and having the ability to quickly detect it and fix it before it gets out of hand can be life-saving.

Emerson’s native cloud-based Zedi IIoT platform gives you eyes, ears and fingers all across town. You may already have a SCADA system to collect information—but maybe it’s not presenting you with the right data analytics, the real vision you need to know what to action upon. We collect, manage and present all the right data to the right people for specific, authorized reasons. We give you the right pressure monitoring points across town to tell you everything you need to know. You can manage distribution systems and prevent over-pressure situations as your monitors see pressure begin to reach alarm levels.

Our trending and workflow models will give your control room people the data they need all the time, 24/7. You have control over when alarms are sent and why, and who they go to from our secure, always-up-to-date platform.

And it’s easily, and quickly scalable. That new subdivision north of town, with 250 homes? Simple. Just install the pressure monitors along with the pipes and valves. All that data can quickly be assimilated into your system.


Secure Backup

If your current software and database is on a server in a closet behind the water cooler - seriously, let’s talk. Because lives and livelihoods depend on your data always being available and current, we back up and mirror your data in multiple offsite locations and in more than one format. This guards against most major natural disasters or a security events. We employ the most current protection protocols to make sure your city’s natural gas stays in the pipes where it belongs, until your citizens are ready to heat their homes or get hot water for a shower.


Expert Help

We’ve made the system smooth and intuitive —but there might still be questions. Or suggestions. We’re ready to answer the former and listen to the latter, any time. In Spanish they say “Mi casa es su casa (my house is your house) and we feel the same about our system—our system is your system. Our helpful people will explain how to get the most out of the system, train your people to use it, and they’ll listen to you as well. It’s all about the humans: Our people helping your people keep the townspeople safe.