
How data insights help you win big

Written by Amy Thibault | Dec 26, 2019 11:30:00 AM


In 2011, IBM’s Watson took on two of Jeopardy’s top winners in a contest of knowledge and speed. After three exciting days, Watson had more than tripled the winnings of either human. Let's apply that to oil and gas production data insights enabling you to triple your 'winnings' - by gaining more production, more profits and more sustainability.

In the digital oilfield that lives on data and is powered by computers light years past Watson, end users are starting to get answers to questions they never dreamed of asking before.

Instead of competing with computers, many oil and gas producers are teaming with AI (artificial intelligence) so that everyone wins. And keeps winning.

What would YOU like to ask? Something like, Can you warn me when a compressor is about to fail? Or, Can you tell me the most cost-effective interval for doing PMs on electric submersible pumps? Or, Which wells have the biggest decline curve?

The latter was already available, if you had the staff to pore over enough spreadsheets. AI today processes huge chunks of data in minutes, giving you answers faster and freeing your staff to work on solutions, not just on compiling data.

Of all the particular things big data and artificial intelligence and their cousin; machine learning, can do for you, there are a few important things at the top of that list including enabling your team to focus on core business, increasing everyone's safety and driving stronger profits.

Because when your people are no longer massaging spreadsheets or, heaven forbid, tapping a calculator, they’re free to think creatively to solve the issues the data shows them. How do we get improvements in production? How do we save time, and increase safety with less site trips to this new field? What is the most efficient pumping method in shale plays? Where and when should we invest?

Everyone can brainstorm the What Ifs and the Why Nots and arrive at the How Abouts and the Give This a Shot options. If a proposed solutions doesn’t work, you’ll have the data quickly, so you can evaluate whether the whole thing was a bad idea or if it would have worked with one or two changes. In that scenario, there is no real failure—just a learning experience.

The oilfield is collecting millions of data-points per field per hour, and it’s requiring more and more computing power and machine learning to manage it. But relieving humans of that kind of “grunt work” is exactly what computers do best.

At more basic levels these systems have already probably saved your company hundreds of inefficient site trips, alerted you to dozens of pump stoppages, leaks or tank fillages, so you’ve seen the benefit at the basic alert stage.

Now Emerson's Zedi Cloud SCADA Solutions is eagerly leaping to the next tier, helping you anticipate issues before they happen, and giving you cost-saving answers you never dreamed to even ask.

There’s no Jeopardy in asking questions—ask away and the answer might be very rewarding.