tel: 866 732 6967


Monitor volumes for safer gas distribution


• Reduced windshield time and cybersecurity risks
• Increased worker productivity
• Enabled internal resources to focus on higher priority tasks
• Easily fit within budget constraints
• Increased pressure trend analytical efficiency
• IT resources gained time to focus on core business



Zedi Access

Zedi Go mobile app



Small gas distribution company operating in the southern United States with 39,800 end customers.



Remotely located gas distribution stations was absorbing far too many people hours and increasing safety risk by constantly driving to and from site to simply monitor and keep volume correctors up to date.

Monitoring, data gathering, timely analyzing the volume data, and routine walk-outs are time consuming, human resource intensive, and continue to increase overtime and resources for sudden spikes in volume, overnight call-outs and holiday needs. 

Company wanted a better way to monitor 24/7, and get notifications at predetermined thresholds for abnormal, or higher consumption rates. They also wanted a more manageable way to quickly gain data to analyze the flow and volume trend data and provide them with insights if/when more gas is required in the pipeline. 

With a small amount of end customers available budget is tight and yet goal post is still to be safe and reliable service with widely varying volume usage and remote stations.



Solution involved getting communications with assets at each station to enable near real-time monitoring to know volumes and keep on top of consumption rates for appropriate measures and increased safety for their personnel and end customers; ensuring proper supply and volumes to meet always changing demand and needs.

Emerson provided complete training and on-boarding with live, human 24/7 support if any questions arise by end users, at anytime.

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) platform with SaaS (Software as a Service) was quickly budget approved with low-cost monthly charge instead of initial unattainable giant project cost. This also enabled the company to scale for it’s initial, most critical needs and grow to additional assets over time as budgeting allowed for even more monitoring and in some cases control of remotely located assets.

With the new ability to monitor stations volumes from anywhere has begin to free the staff from constant trips to site to focus on more pressing matters and their core business improvements and efficiencies, while providing the best end customer experience possible. Risks where significantly reduced with only needing to go to site for scheduled or preventative maintenance while avoiding volume correction
and supply concerns.

Alarms were easily set for several critical thresholds and set-points and based on authorized users status and role for volumes and other managed knowledge needs.  

Now they can easily see visualized trends from analyze data for flow
and volume and know exactly when more gas is required in the pipeline. 



Proven Results Print this Proven Results >





remote monitoring for gas distribution volume corrections

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Evergreen Software Solutions

Cloud-based data with advanced analytics for better performing assets, compliance & optimization


Fast Automation in Weeks

Oil and gas production automation to quickly gain the data you need to make better business decisions


Advanced Analytics

Insights never before possible with advanced analytics to present actionable data & stronger return


Zedi Go Mobile App

Easily enter, monitor and manage your production anytime, anywhere with the mobile app built for you


Technology Backed by Services

Innovative cloud & IIoT technology backed by service experts available 24/7/365


People icon  24/7 Customer Support

Full support team always ready to help you at any time with any questions you may have


Smart-Field  Join the autonomous journey

Leading the digital transformation of production to autonomous operations


School  Training and resources

Instructional courses and materials offered to ensure all users are reaching full potential



Autonomous oil and gas production
Zedi Go Mobile app

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