tel: 866 732 6967


End of Line Pressure Monitoring Made Easy


• Reduced windshield time and cybersecurity risks
• Increased worker productivity
• Enabled internal resources to focus on higher priority tasks
• Easily fit within budget constraints
• Increased pressure trend analytical efficiency
• IT resources gained time to focus on core business



Zedi Access

Zedi Go mobile app



Local natural gas distribution company in Alberta, Canada with regulator stations and 48,000 customers dependent on safe and reliable service.



Monitoring and data gathering from the end of line pressure stations, analyzing the data to monitor the pressure trends and routine walk-outs were time consuming, human resource intensive, and could not be efficiently monitored on off hours or weekends.

Company wanted solutions to help them monitor 24/7, get alarm notifications when pressure drops below set level, analyze the pressure data and provide them with insights when more gas was required in the pipeline as needed by end customer usage and demand frequently changed.

Mobility was needed for authorized end users to access data from anywhere, at anytime. Making unwarranted trips to and from sites was no longer an option. Budget was extremely tight and stress was high to move forward quickly with a well-positioned and long-standing, reputable partner in this project in order to gain successful implementation and depend on for longer-term goals.



End of line pressure stations were efficiently enabled with cloud-based IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) monitoring platform. This platform empowers the operation with proven historization, easy to understand trending, adjustable alarming, accurate reporting, and actionable analytics to operation and maintenance personnel that was quickly, and painlessly implemented.

Alarms were easily set for authorized users to be notified of thresholds at end of line pressure stations to accurately and quickly respond with the correct measures without wasting resources or time. These alarms can be easily set to individual users, or a group of users with set thresholds and notification times to better manage demand
and usage needs for their end customers.

Company IT involvement was not required to get up and running which was a game-changer with so few internal resources available to implement the solution.

Zedi Go, the mobile app was downloaded onto devices to monitor, manage and manually input data, change settings and issue commands to help keep operations and asset uptime, healthy and predictive.

Training was provided and 24/7 support is always on call to ensure full value is realized by all end users and to get questions answered accurately and quickly.

Because the Zedi suite of Software is purpose built on our cloud IIoT platform and is SaaS (software as a service) the on-boarding cost is much lower and easier to budget across the life of use instead of heavy up-front costs that are difficult to gain approval for and even harder to discover funds, or prove long-term return to stakeholders.



Proven Results Print this Proven Results >





End of line pressure monitoring for gas distribution

Join the journey!

Start your journey to an autonomous field to demand more production, profits and sustainability


Evergreen Software Solutions

Cloud-based data with advanced analytics for better performing assets, compliance & optimization


Fast Automation in Weeks

Oil and gas production automation to quickly gain the data you need to make better business decisions


Advanced Analytics

Insights never before possible with advanced analytics to present actionable data & stronger return


Zedi Go Mobile App

Easily enter, monitor and manage your production anytime, anywhere with the mobile app built for you


Technology Backed by Services

Innovative cloud & IIoT technology backed by service experts available 24/7/365


People icon  24/7 Customer Support

Full support team always ready to help you at any time with any questions you may have


Smart-Field  Join the autonomous journey

Leading the digital transformation of production to autonomous operations


School  Training and resources

Instructional courses and materials offered to ensure all users are reaching full potential



Autonomous oil and gas production
Zedi Go Mobile app

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