Visual monitoring and analytics enables you to confirm field assets are operating properly with Zedi Video Surveillance, while strengthening site security and delivering faster response time. Gain ability to monitor site activity, safety compliance, and environmental assessments without requiring personnel on site.
Visualize your production assets in the field for up to a 50% increase in team productivity, topped off with the added gains of security, safety and operational confidence to bring your fields to higher profits.
Manage by exception through visual analytics
• Analytics based visual alarms
• Increase response time to site dangers, issues and exceptions
• Asset images provide actionable information
Increase safety
• Reduce site visits by up to 50% saving time, money and resources
• Ensure work alone compliance, site security and incident reporting
Asset protection
• Respond quickly and effectively to production problems
• Increase site security and environmental incidents
Intelligent visual surveillance to remote assets at your site with industrial grade, weatherproof enclosure ensures reliability with quality of installation available in most locations. Reduce field visits, manage by exception, and confirm field alarms quickly and easily, reducing operating costs.