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Thrive through technology change

Posted by Amy Thibault on Jan 9, 2024 9:45:00 AM




Most of us have experienced significant changes throughout our careers, and life. Some of those changes have certainly gone smoother, and had significantly better outcomes than others - the single constant about life in our world today is change itself. Which makes it crucial to understand all the pieces that are part of any change to have well aligned to make any change a great experience that provides positive outcomes and enable you, and your organization to thrive.

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Sea to shining sea production data analytics

Posted by Amy Thibault on Dec 26, 2023 10:45:00 AM




You may have oil and gas production sites scattered from the mountains to the prairies, to the oceans and offshore in the beautiful, but super remote seas around the globe. Collecting and consolidating that remotely located data is one thing—pushing it back out to your varied end-users in an actionable and analyzed format may be a whole, more complicated other story.

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3 Quick tips to increase your OEM customer loyalty

Posted by Amy Thibault on Dec 19, 2023 11:30:00 AM




We've all heard someone, at some point tell us 'it's easier to keep a current customer happy than it is to find a new customer.' There is giant truth to this statement. You certainly want your customers to be with you for years and years - you've built relationships with them, know their kids names, gone above and beyond to get their challenges solved, have had many laughs with them, and helped them in every possible way you are able. But, then one day; Johnny Slick walks through the door with a new start-up company that is offering a much lower price, tons of empty and unproven promises, and loads of fluffy-meaningless words of what the new Johnny Slick product offers that yours may not; and just as fast as a movie theater clearing out when someone screams 'fire' -  your long-standing customer is gone.

Customer loyalty is everything to your ultimate OEM business sustainability and success. Their loyalty can literally make or break your entire business. But how to attract and retain your end customers isn't always as easy, or something you feel like you have control over because in the market today competition is tough, options are plenty, and people simply expect more from your business than ever before.

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Offshore oil and gas production meets James Bond

Posted by Amy Thibault on Dec 12, 2023 11:30:00 AM




Imagine you were a spy... Not the creepy kind of spy, but you know the James Bond type of spy; the super-slick, ultra-cool, well-spoken, always well-dressed and never gets caught kind of spy. I can imagine if offshore oil and gas production had a spy it would look and act like Emerson's Zedi™ SaaS platform. Minus of course all the fast cars, fancy dates and danger. But we can get you all the detailed information of what exactly is happening so far away - without disrupting what's actually going on; so it's spy-like, without all the showbiz-glitz, creepiness, or glam price-tags.

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Top 2023 cloud-native IIoT platform updates

Posted by Amy Thibault on Dec 5, 2023 10:45:00 AM




Well that was fast!

2023 certainly flew by and while we've all been busy helping our customers and end users become more productive, profitable and sustainable our IIoT platform developers have been making important updates to make it run better, faster and easier to use all while making the Zedi platform even more secure with a total of 26 updates in 2023.

And if that wasn't enough we're proud that we now have over 3.1 million sensor points worldwide, 140 million daily readings and over 11,000 downloads of Zedi Go, the mobile app so all of our end Users can securely keep going and enter, monitor and manage their production from anywhere at anytime.

Another year of impactful cloud-native IIoT platform updates - Here are our favorites we wanted to share with you.

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Cloud-Native IIoT for onshore and offshore oil and gas production

Posted by Community Contributor on Nov 28, 2023 10:30:00 AM




Is your company realizing but hesitating on the need to add automation for remote monitoring and diagnostics, whether onshore or off?

Here are some words of wisdom.

In the words of the Borg, of Star Trek: The Next Generation, it may seem that “Resistance is futile.” Change is always a challenge, but moving from paper reports and long wellsite trips worthy of Voyager is a change that will pay off really quickly. In truth, the more assets you have, and the more distant they are, the faster a cloud-native SCADA system will pay off.

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How OEM partnerships can next level your business outcomes

Posted by Amy Thibault on Nov 14, 2023 10:45:00 AM




You and your amazing employees have worked hard to build your OEM business and it shows in your long-term success and happy end customers. Now that you have created processes that are tried and true to your business model and fully support your company sustainability, you may be thinking its a good time to think about how you can take it all to the next level through building out stronger efficiencies and better work-flows that will simply day-to-day operations and also present your people with the right data they need to make better, faster decisions.

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5 keys to prevent production downtime

Posted by Amy Thibault on Nov 7, 2023 10:45:00 AM




You and your dedicated staff have all worked very hard to get your production levels to exactly where you want them to be - not an easy task, and certainly not an easy one to keep rolling without loads of serious challenges. Sure, every company has obstacles and set-backs here and there; but when it comes to production - one tiny hiccup can result in several factors of safety, profitability and even your organizations long-standing sustainability.

It's no secret that production downtime can be significant and negatively impact your operations very quickly.

These challenges happen with the blink of an eye - and cause long-standing times of downtime, lost profits and serious safety impacts. Here are five keys to prevent production downtime to help you remain up and running while keeping your people safer, profit margins up and maintaining your operations for a life-time of strong returns for generations.


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Unravel your wild industrial data

Posted by Amy Thibault on Oct 24, 2023 10:45:00 AM




Many people enjoy knowing every little detail about something, even if it doesn't really correlate directly to them. All the power to them! Personally, I like people to get right to the point; tell me what I need to know - Don't dance around what you're trying to say, or give me so much info it makes my head spin.

Please, please, please just be clear and concise.

I'm pretty sure companies and their staff also want their data straightforward and easy to understand. Not such a large amount of data that drowns them with every tiny detail that isn't relevant, or actionable. Sometimes too much data can become pretty much useless because it would take you hours to filter through it all to find the data you actually do need.

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Three examples of cloud-native IIoT to prevent downtime

Posted by Amy Thibault on Oct 17, 2023 10:15:00 AM




When someone mentions something like 'cloud-native IIoT' do your teeth start to clench in stress and you immediately begin to search for your antacids to ward off the quickly approaching heartburn that comes with the topic? I hear you, understand your anxiety and totally feel your pain because I've been there many times before.

That's until I started thinking of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) differently; what it really 'means' to us, the humans of the world. How it can actually help makes our lives better in several ways; like increasing the safety of many very dangerous situations, how it can even prevent terrible problems before they even happen and how it can make companies be more profitable so more people keep their jobs and prices don't over-inflate for the end buyers.

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