You may have oil and gas production sites scattered from the mountains to the prairies, to the oceans and offshore in the beautiful, but super remote seas around the globe. Collecting and consolidating that remotely located data is one thing—pushing it back out to your varied end-users in an actionable and analyzed format may be a whole, more complicated other story.
Today, thanks to technology the world is all much closer than it once seemed - it's brought people and processes together in a way that most of us never thought about even just ten years ago!
Now, you can restart an oil well a thousand miles away from your cell phone at your favorite coffee shop - or it can restart itself if you prefer! You can pull up data the same way at a meeting in Houston, while other attendees are in Dubai, Calgary and Singapore. But the nuts and bolts of getting the exact assemblage and formatting of data to all those places used to be a much bigger challenge.
With Emerson’s Zedi cloud-native SaaS and IIoT platform, you can collect all your SCADA information including tank levels, runtime, and more in one place, across the globe and send it out to any third party platforms and applications you use all while being certain only authorized end users can gain access to your data with security in place like two-factor authentication and the most up-to-date, seamless security updates.
It's easy and fast to get started too; Emerson’s data experts will call on their years in the industry to do a discovery analysis. They’ll ask, what third party systems does your company use, what data needs to go to each one, and on what schedule? What and how many authorized access levels should there be? Are there any new report formats that need to be created outside of our many templates available, or do you prefer to create your own?
After this analysis, our experienced people (and potentially, Project Managers - if you decide you want their help) will custom-design a system that will move your select data from Zedi Access to your other applications in a seamless and automated fashion. You can relax, knowing the data each department needs is on its way on schedule to your authorized end users
Then of course we'll get your people trained on how to use our software, and everything they need to know to make the most of the data coming to each person as you see fit. We offer complete training in team calls, or video, or reading materials; and the best part is all that training is also available right in the platform via our Zedi eLearning center that offers a wide array of workshops and courses, so when you add new people, or someone gets a promotion it will be easy for them to dive right in and get up to speed.
Zedi also has a 24/7 support phone line available with very qualified people ready to help you and your people anytime, anywhere - even holidays, even at 2am in the most remote offshore iceberg waters far off Canada's Atlantic coast - we're ready to take your call and help you every step of the way!
As you grow your needs will likely change as well, for a variety of reasons. You may rethink your applications, add a new office with their own set of data requirements, buy or merge with a new production site in a new state, gulf or even country, add monitoring devices, etc. So we’re ready at the drop of a hard hat to make any and all updates, seamlessly. This quickly eases the nightmares normally associated with accelerated growth, active mergers and acquisitions or even the rare consolidation. Which makes your business easier to focus on and not weigh into factor the data end of the equation to a perfectly great business decision - this makes your data one less thing you need to ever worry about again; it's there for you, effortlessly and timely.
As with any software, there will be efficiency and security updates along the way. Emerson’s Zedi Access is evergreen, so they’ll be done quietly behind the scenes of your everyday world, and automatically, without disrupting your flow of data or your business. If there’s a noticeable change, we’ll supply all the information that your people may need to quickly adapt and move forward.
Fueled by timely access to the data each person in your organization needs, in every department, in every office or far-removed location, country or offshore site is now enabled to make economic and efficiency decisions faster and more accurately than ever. No more will accounting’s numbers be different from production’s, nor will one group be dealing with today’s data while another just received last month’s totals.
That's bringing the world together in the very best way possible - visibility and cross-communication through analytics and easy to understand data dashboards from sea to shining sea - the world suddenly seems like a much better place, no matter how wild it gets - you and your people are ready to action.