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What's so great about edge?

Posted by Amy Thibault on Jan 2, 2024 10:52:00 AM




Every market heat these days is hot with pressure. We hear the same thing from every direction - Successful production needs technology that can provide speed and stronger efficiencies that deliver on-going return - this is a must have, and no longer just a 'nicety'. These same demands are only growing every day for most industries to remain producing positive outcomes and hitting their always increasing targets and goals.

It's no wonder; with a lack of skilled labor, higher costs of everything, and constant pressures from every angle that are taking on a new level of intensity - it's more important now than ever before that you get it right from the start; and quickly. That said; we also hear it can be a daunting task and super confusing to figure out what technology and operational changes will actually provide results today, and tomorrow with growing return for sustainability and continued production gains. It can quickly escalate into the most advanced game of chess you've ever played.

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Best IIoT platform developments of 2022

Posted by Community Contributor on Dec 19, 2022 2:58:35 PM


Our expert IIoT platform developers have had another productive year of making our SaaS suite, security and the platform it all lives on it's very best with impactful updates, patches, security changes and development. Here are a few of our favorite updates from 2022 - we hope you agree! Read More

3 easy steps to easily digitally transform your operations

Posted by Community Contributor on Jan 29, 2018 2:35:00 PM


Albert Einstein, as you may recall, was pretty good at understanding complex stuff like, say, the makeup of the universe, quantum physics and the like. It’s interesting that he’s the one who said that if you didn’t understand something well enough to explain it to your grandmother, you didn’t really understand it.

Well, I like to think of myself as something of an oilfield technology expert—I‘m even able to successfully explain it all to my Grandma, who totally ‘gets it’ now. So I hope I can explain its benefits to you in three basic steps. 

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