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Zedi Roughneck™ helps you track stuff

Posted by Grand Lau on Jan 11, 2018 2:30:00 PM


Have you seen the dashboards on today’s cars? The information they give you is amazing—you can almost get where you’re going by watching the dashboard alone.

The idea, of course, is to consolidate information you need in order to stay safe; what’s behind you, beside you and in front of you and when they get too close.

Zedi’s Roughneck™ software is a lot like that. It tells you the location of equipment like compressors, pumpjacks and other onsite equipment, along with pipeline inventory, preventative maintenance programs and more, so that’s what’s around you. It also lets you track moves of that equipment so your information stays current.

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Preventative Maintenance: Forgotten Element of Efficiency

Posted by Community User on May 26, 2012 12:50:00 AM

The savings from properly maintaining assets like compressors can make the difference of whether an operation is profitable or not.


When it comes to achieving optimal production, it's common to focus your attention on the stuff coming out of the ground, and how to achieve every efficiency around the extraction side of your business. While production optimization at the wellhead is a key component to operational efficiency, it's easy to forget the role preventative maintenance plays toward achieving the same goal. If you're not regularly and properly maintaining the equipment you rely on throughout your operation, your overall expenses can overwhelm the profitability of a well or your operation.

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