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Unravel your wild industrial data

Posted by Amy Thibault on Oct 24, 2023 10:45:00 AM




Many people enjoy knowing every little detail about something, even if it doesn't really correlate directly to them. All the power to them! Personally, I like people to get right to the point; tell me what I need to know - Don't dance around what you're trying to say, or give me so much info it makes my head spin.

Please, please, please just be clear and concise.

I'm pretty sure companies and their staff also want their data straightforward and easy to understand. Not such a large amount of data that drowns them with every tiny detail that isn't relevant, or actionable. Sometimes too much data can become pretty much useless because it would take you hours to filter through it all to find the data you actually do need.

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Fearlessly focus on your operations

Posted by Amy Thibault on Sep 12, 2023 10:45:00 AM



The cost of distractions in life is high. What can often seem like a minor distraction can have a giant impact on life; a distracted drive to work could cause a crash, distracted while reading email could cause you to miss an important request from the boss, or being distracted while spending time with family could result in a loved one that doesn’t feel heard anymore, or think you care.

When it comes to your operations distractions can cause just as much havoc and loss. Distractions cause the risk of safety of people; and the environments around you, and the health of the bottom line. Those distractions could be losing your organization hundreds of thousands of dollars. Without your eye on the prize you could be risking the sustainability of your organization; here today - gone tomorrow happens all too often these days.

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DeltaV™ SaaS SCADA Alarm Experts are (almost) magic

Posted by Community Contributor on Jun 12, 2019 12:03:00 PM


There is a bit of magic in every childhood story we read. Whether it be the Chronicles of Narnia with its enchanted kingdom or Aladdin’s genie in the lamp, we learn very early that supernatural powers often come in pretty handy.

Maybe you could use some telepathic powers to know what is happening in a remote production location. You’ve probably wished to have psychic abilities to know when a wellsite will stop producing before it happens, or if your team is safe working on site.

Most certainly you’d enjoy the gift of telekinesis to restart an artificial lift.

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Simplify and consolidate your data

Posted by Community User on Apr 12, 2019 2:08:26 PM


It’s surprising how many operators are using one software system or company to monitor tanks, Consolidate oi land gas production dataanother to automate pumps and yet another for back office reporting software. There may have been a time in history when this was necessary—there was a lot of narrow specialization at one time—but it is definitely hard to keep up with.

When something goes wrong, who do you call? If the problem is beyond the scope of your own people’s training, is the issue with the software, the communication system, or the security of it all? And then who is going to fit the problem itself? This does not help you, or your team focus on your production.

After all, you digitally transformed your operations to increase efficiency, not create confusion and headaches.


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Quickly remedy wellsite production problems

Posted by Community User on Mar 5, 2018 11:45:00 AM

“Dear Producer,” the email should read. “I want to tell you about a problem I have on well number 10. It’s—well, it’s just Well site data from field into officenot producing like it should. I think there may be a liquid loading problem. In truth, this has been building up for a while, and I was afraid something like this would happen. What should we do?”

I don’t know if you ever read advice columns, where people write in and ask for help with relationship issues. Sometimes it’s interesting to see what the columnist has to offer as a solution.

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