“Dear Producer,” the email should read. “I want to tell you about a problem I have on well number 10. It’s—well, it’s just not producing like it should. I think there may be a liquid loading problem. In truth, this has been building up for a while, and I was afraid something like this would happen. What should we do?”
I don’t know if you ever read advice columns, where people write in and ask for help with relationship issues. Sometimes it’s interesting to see what the columnist has to offer as a solution.
Zedi Vital does a lot of things regarding the aggregating of production data into a single cloud-based source. It makes data available to all authorized personnel in any office at any time.
One of its best features is the ability to have it send out emails that note exceptions or problems.
It’s sort of like your wells can ask for help when they get in trouble. But, unlike relationship advice columnists, you’ll know exactly how to fix the problem, and fix it quickly, when you get the emailed report.
A customer of ours in Texas is doing exactly this. They have a couple of hundred gas wells that we monitor for them on Zedi Access. We send their pumpers an email report every day. It lists yesterday’s production, with wells sorted in order according to how far each one was from its target volume.
It’s really helped their people focus on the wells that have issues—whether production was low, or even if it was higher than expected. High production can indicate a problem as well as low. Since all gas wells are connected on a gathering system, and production is related to the pressure in the system—if one well’s production is high, it usually means another one nearby is low.
That’s why all this data is really important on a daily basis.
Either way, operators, field or measurement techs can go to the problem wells first, already having a general idea of what action they’ll need to take when they get there.
Engineers and other people in the office also get these reports, so if the field guy has a question about how to handle the issue, he and the engineer can work together towards the best solution. Zedi Vital also lets them input notes on what the problem was and how it was solved, creating a history of the well for future reference.
We really do get to give relationship advice—the office and the field working together to solve production issues!
This is really at the heart of our main focus; to help oil and gas producers solve problems and get the production and data they need in order to work as efficiently as possible.