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Master configuring your asset alarms with Zedi Access

Posted by Community User on Feb 15, 2022 11:30:00 AM



Alarms can be used to monitor data for anything out of the ordinary, like catching smalls deviations and alerting an operator to a possible situation before it escalates. Setting up alarms on your assets enables you to prevent physical and economic loss through faster operator intervention and response times.

How many alarms can an operator effectively handle per day? ISA 18.2 states that, ideally, one alarm per 10 minutes can be taken care of without sacrifice to the operator’s other duties. Two alarms per 10 minutes are identified as manageable.

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Take the smooth road to ESG and fiscal performance

Posted by Amy Thibault on Oct 1, 2021 10:30:49 AM


Sometimes there are fears that ESG has to be counterproductive to the bottom line. You read about some organizations promising to blanket the globe with millions of carbon-capturing trees and realize that those trees are also absorbing a lot of capital. Investors may like the leaves in programs like that, but when those programs are fertilized with barrels of red ink, it’s suddenly not so appealing.

Fortunately there are ways to achieve both—and Emerson's Zedi Cloud SCADA Solutions can be a black-ink-producing, carbon-reducing and safety-enabling option for companies trying to achieve both. The road to digital transformation for increased ESG opportunities that present fiscal responsibility may be much smoother than you think.

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Operational data security lane

Posted by Amy Thibault on May 13, 2021 12:45:00 PM



Have you ever tried to give someone advice about something that was way outside of your expertise? I have made that error many, many times. When I make the error of an unsolicited suggestion on something (usually to my friends on subjects like fashion, hair styles or anything related), I'm occasionally told to "stay in my lane." It quickly sets things into perspective for me, and I retreat, with a smile, knowing they're totally right; I'm way, way, way out of my lane offering advice about a topic I clearly do not fully understand or have taken the time into learning enough about.

They're totally right, I should stay in my own lane.

When it comes to data security, you're busy, and we completely understand that making sure your operational data is secure may not be always top of mind to you, or your highest priority at all times. After all, the last thing most people have time for is to worry about the security of operational data, because well, they're already very busy making sure a million other operational decisions are made really well, promises kept, employees remain productive, all the while with goals and targets continuously being achieved, or even better; exceeded.

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Customize your cloud strategy

Posted by Community User on Apr 30, 2021 12:30:00 PM

You’ve probably already decided that digitally transforming your operations is necessary as you face a shrinking workforce and tighter budget dollars. The productivity advantages of a full cloud software strategy implementation are many and well documented.

Like cars, snowflakes and superheroes, no two cloud computing service providers are exactly alike, nor are their customers. So, when picking a cloud software provider, it’s important to know if they can adapt or customize their system to exactly what you need (or don't need), or if you’re supposed to bend your procedures to someone’s limited, out-of-the-box configuration.
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Here are some questions to ask before you decide:

  1. Can the vendor’s system easily fit with the hardware you may already have?
  2. Can the new system seamlessly integrate your historical data with the new input they’ll gather?
  3. Are Project Managers available to handle all the details?
  4. Will the vendor provide the reports you need, by format, frequency, user authorization and department needs?
  5. Do they provide ongoing support?

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Roadmap your digital transformation

Posted by Community User on Mar 4, 2021 12:15:00 PM

Leverage the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), new technologies like our cloud-based platform with software as a service, automation, and our experts to expand, plan or prepare for your operations to be more productive, more profitable and more sustainable through digital intelligence that will enhance your workforce are successfully enabled to augment workflows and processes to create new efficiencies and competencies that bring several positive cultural and behavioral changes to your organization.Digital transformation with cloud platform

We continuously engage with our customers to drive seamless updates that provide the highest return, a secure 'evergreen' platform and widespread adoption in the integration of equipment and systems that leverage IIoT to enhance operational performance and drive profitable results. Emerson's Zedi Cloud SCADA Solutions accomplishes this by helping and guiding customers through the process known as "Digital Transformation."

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Easily capture production data

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 20, 2020 10:30:00 AM

Field Data Capture (FDC) is the gathering and analysis of manually enteredField Data into computer for oil and gas production or electronically uploaded data from field equipment. Oil and gas facilities have hundreds of metering points. Multiple departments within an organization require the data from these metering points.

Some of the field data is necessary to meet government reporting requirements. Data must be collected on time and accurately to reassure the recipients of the data’s validity.

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Cloud SaaS alarms save miles

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 18, 2020 12:45:00 PM


Is your company still sending a pumper out to visually inspect every well? If so, I’m sure you’ve counted the miles and hours, not to mention the costs for fuel, tires and oil changes.

There are also safety issues involved with thousands of monthly miles driven just in case something might need attention. All of this is costing you more than you probably realize. That’s not to mention lost production from issues that occur long between trips.

Maybe you’ve thought about adding or switching to a software as a service (SaaS) platform to get alarms in place, but had heard some stories of how early alarm systems were unreliable, reacting to slight, transient spikes so often that they were soon ignored. That could lead to missing a real alarm.

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Keep going... with Zedi Go mobile app

Posted by Community User on Jul 31, 2020 1:09:35 PM

It is providing constant situational awareness with mobility tools to power enhanced collaboration. That means secure, on-demand access to information and expertise regardless of location, enabling action and collaboration through shared, relevant information.


Mobile app Zedi Go screen

Our Zedi Go Mobile App was designed for oil and gas producers. When you're in the field or out of the office, Zedi Go will keep you updated instantly and allow you to access your most recent production and operational data.

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The science of safety with software

Posted by Jennifer Horrocks on May 10, 2018 8:10:00 AM



In the Eagle Ford plays of deep south Texas, we have plenty to worry about: heat, dust, the occasional rattlesnake, and H2S for starters. Life certainly keeps us on our toes!

What our customers like about having their remote monitoring data readily available through Zedi Access™ is that it shortens their list of things to worry about. Considerably.

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