Have you ever tried to give someone advice about something that was way outside of your expertise? I have made that error many, many times. When I make the error of an unsolicited suggestion on something (usually to my friends on subjects like fashion, hair styles or anything related), I'm occasionally told to "stay in my lane." It quickly sets things into perspective for me, and I retreat, with a smile, knowing they're totally right; I'm way, way, way out of my lane offering advice about a topic I clearly do not fully understand or have taken the time into learning enough about.
They're totally right, I should stay in my own lane.
When it comes to data security, you're busy, and we completely understand that making sure your operational data is secure may not be always top of mind to you, or your highest priority at all times. After all, the last thing most people have time for is to worry about the security of operational data, because well, they're already very busy making sure a million other operational decisions are made really well, promises kept, employees remain productive, all the while with goals and targets continuously being achieved, or even better; exceeded.
All that said, if you take a moment and consider all the potential concerns most people come up with are usually around the same questions; Can my employees and I all instantly and securely access our operational data? Is our data safe from hackers or even employees who don’t have set authority? Even; is my data backed up, so it’s safe from computer crashes or other random catastrophes?
We’re happy to answer with a resounding yes, because this IS our lane.
Our cloud based platform enables you and your authorized people to securely and effortlessly integrate your data from any source to make better business decisions and to increase the safety, profitability and sustainability of your operations.
A recent Equifax survey of US company executives showed that, in 2019, 63 percent of companies had a data breach involving 1,000 or more records—up from 56 percent in 2017. Even more concerning was the fact that about 10 percent of executives didn’t know whether they’d been breached or not.
Wait, what? They didn't actually know if they had been breached or not? That's scary to those of us in this lane. Your data, and it's level of security can easily be handled from our end, while you continue to do all the amazing work you should be focused on in your operations.
Encrypted and secure SaaS SCADA
Let me show you just some of the measures we take with our encrypted and secured cloud data platform. We want to make sure your data is instantly and continuously available to you while protecting it—and you—from breaches that can cause thousands or even millions of dollars of damage, sleepless nights and countless headaches.
Always top of mind for us is the assurance that the data is yours, always yours, and only yours. It’s like putting valuables in a bank safety box—the bank doesn’t own it, you do, and you can retrieve it any time the bank is open.
In the case of your data, it’s always available, way beyond banker’s hours. Middle of the night? Check. Middle of nowhere? Check, as long as there’s WiFi or a phone signal.
Sometimes it’s easy to think that storing data onsite is safer than having it on the cloud. But having data backed up—redundantly—is vital in case of a local disaster such as a lightning strike, fire, or even something as seemingly simple as a hard drive crash (or two).
We use a 3-2-1 backup system to make sure we always have your data ready when and where you need it. There are always at least three copies of your data in two different storage systems with one additional backup at a different site. We store your data live, on a backup tape and in a disaster recovery environment offsite. This guarantees that no matter what happens, you can access data every time you need it.
Data protection against hackers
The other side of data security is the firewall to prevent hacking. But, it must be kept up to date at all time; because hackers are very bright, and they never sleep. But, you can be rest assured that our connections are encrypted and secured from the communication device back to the our platform infrastructure. We also make regular updates to our software to incorporate suggested improvements from clients—like you—and to keep it as responsive and secure as possible.
When it comes to operational data, and keeping it secure - We're in our lane, and we’d love to answer any questions you may have.