For many E&P companies considering field automation, it may seem that installing a SCADA system gives them all the information, alarms and control they need to reach the real goals, which include boosting production and reducing costs. And SCADA does help, but not nearly as much as installing automation through the Cloud.
In this ever-increasing digital world, people and companies rely more and more on the Cloud for data storage and integration. IIoT brings that missing piece where field data and process data can join the rest of your information on the Cloud.
Before SCADA
Before SCADA, operators were getting one reading a day from each well, involving many people driving hundreds of miles a day to report on 10-15 wells each. SCADA stops all that driving, creating huge personnel cost savings, and collects scheduled readings from each well on a centralized system.
Typical SCADA deployments poll each site on a round-robin cycle. Intervals can range from every 15 minutes to every hour. They collect operational data from every single device on each pass. Most systems don’t have the bandwidth to do this more often.
Here’s an example of why that’s still not okay: Let’s say you’re on the highway and your speedometer only updates your current speed every hour. So you could be going fast (speeding ticket) or slow (they gave up on you at your destination) most of the time without knowing you need to adjust your speed.
In the field, we have become accustomed to having a ‘snapshot in time’ of our assets only every so often that we have created all of our processes and practices around this limitation. This approach makes it hard to spot trends or detect temporary conditions that could worsen over time if not detected early. IIoT can reverse that paradigm by guaranteeing you will always know of any changes to your facilities as soon as they happen.
Progressing with IIoT and Emerson SCADA Cloud Solutions
Using IIoT, devices on each asset collect data every few seconds and only “publish” data to the cloud when a change is detected. This granular monitoring offers a much clearer picture of the state of your assets and provides all the necessary information you need to determine if you have a problem. Constant data lets you analyze and optimize your assets’ performance in real time. You can clearly see transient events such as a buildup of sand or paraffin that may clear too quickly for a traditional SCADA system to see.
If these seemingly temporary issues become more frequent, you’ll know how to address the issue before it creates a shutdown. You might need to adjust the chemical treatment mix or clean a separator—a case in point for how IIoT can help boost production.
You may ask if all that detail doesn’t overload the network even more. On the contrary: Because those devices just communicate when a change in the data is detected, then to upload all their operational data at prescribed intervals, it’s using that communications infrastructure more efficiently.
With IIoT on the cloud with cloud based applications, data becomes instantly accessible to everyone who needs it –no need to copy and paste data from one system to another. With Zedi Go the mobile app, management can make decisions quickly on smart devices, speeding the way to solutions that shorten or eliminate shutdowns and increase production—and productivity.
This is an upgrade we can make pretty painlessly for you. So many of our clients quickly go from asking, “How do we get there?” to “How did we manage without this?”