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Preventative maintenance for machines timed right

Posted by Amy Thibault on Jun 27, 2023 12:40:40 PM


Emerson Machine Health Monitoring helps right-time your preventive maintenance program and increase it's effectiveness

You've probably heard awesome stories of how truly great things can happen to people out of the blue; love when you least expect it, strangers paying for your coffee... The list goes on and on forever about how small, unexpected people and the actions they sometimes take can bring us light, love and unmeasurable positive impact to our lives.

Machines however, are not out to sweep us off our feet, cheer us up, or have any desire to pass along some sunny moments into our lives. No, they're famous for breaking down when we need them the MOST. Sometimes, it almost feels like maybe they even conspire together and to all have different (and very time consuming) breakdowns all within days, even hours of each other to cause total havoc on our work, and lives. The surprises machines can deliver don't exactly give anyone the warm fuzzies.

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Park your compressor monitoring truck

Posted by Amy Thibault on Mar 2, 2021 12:15:00 PM


In the past few years, as oil and gas prices began to drop and investment capital dried up, ‘business-as-usual’ models began to die a painful death for those companies that did not have a targeted digital transformation goal, or (at least) a strong eye on the prize with an actionable plan already in place.

The digital transformation journey can look very different for each company depending on what (if anything) you already have in place; but there are some pretty easy; highly effective and easy wins you can score right out of the gate.

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Digital Transformation upgrade

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 25, 2020 12:45:00 PM

Technology is constantly evolving, leaving many oil and gas producers wondering Digital transformation cloud scadawhen the right time is to replace the old with the new. When producers invest in new technologies for their business, they can expect more profits, more production, and more sustainability.


Deciding how to upgrade, or when you're ready to upgrade isn't always easy, but we're here to help you with the change that's involved.


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Uncovering hidden LOEs

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 11, 2020 12:30:00 PM

The daunting task of keeping track of your expenses can be time-consuming how to lower loe for oil production or gas productionand overwhelming if not managed correctly and efficiently. With the increase of mobile apps and other productivity tools, managing expenses has gotten easier.

For oil and gas, managing lease operating expenses (LOE) has gotten easier with automation and software solutions. Now, there are fewer reasons not to have the costs eat away at your companies’ ability to operate wells and keep costs within budget without having to shut-in operations.

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The self-driving oil well

Posted by Gabriel Jarillo on Jun 11, 2020 11:30:00 AM

Have you read about the advance of self-driving cars? With an arrayAutonomous oil and gas production of sensors “seeing” obstacles, speed limit signs and other vehicles, tracking the speed, noting highway conditions such as rain or sleet, and using maps and tracking to plan the route, self-driving vehicles are approaching us in their own fast lane.

You may not be surprised to find that we have the same dreams for a self-operating oil field.

Now there will still be the need for repairs of worn-out equipment, damaged well-bores, and to perform PMs such as oil changes. There’s the need to do that for vehicles as well. The autonomous oil change is not here yet, but even that might be in line for cars someday.

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Be prepared for the unexpected

Posted by Community Contributor on Jun 9, 2020 8:50:00 AM

How often have you worked on a written assignment only to have Business Continuity Plan for oil and gas productionan unexpected computer failure, and you lose all your information because it did not save? Once this happens, you either look for other ways to recover your work or get stuck starting from the beginning.  


When the unexpected happens, you want to pick up where you left off, especially when it comes to business operations. For this reason, it is essential to implement a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and have the appropriate technology to support services in the event of unforeseen circumstances.


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Access data while working from home

Posted by Amy Thibault on Jun 4, 2020 3:35:04 PM




How do you like working from home? Since our world turned upside down I think it's been easier for some of us to adjust than others to remain, or even become more productive. Most of which completely depends on how you access your files and data to continue to WOW the boss, even in the strangest of times when people are told we have to stay home.

You need your files and data to all be easily visible from top to bottom without relying on thumb drives, portable hard drives, old drives, or clunky undependable drives that should have been replaced years ago or, worst of all—boxes of paper files (I'm cringing at the thought of that one)!

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Listening to oil and gas data

Posted by Nate Lane on Mar 4, 2020 12:15:00 PM


Now that you’ve automated your production, you're getting your well site information in real time, not waiting for the pumper to bring in tickets at the end of the day—or the week—and able to react to changes in real time.

Welcome to the new, efficient, you.

As great as that is, there’s more that we can do for you. If you’ve fully automated everything, your system is collecting thousands of data points every hour. Every day.

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Increase rod pump oil well production

Posted by Amy Thibault on Dec 12, 2018 7:04:00 AM


The basic formula for increasing oil well production is pretty clear to me: the more the pump runs, the more oil it pumps. The real issue is how to reduce downtime, so that it runs more, and pumps more.

What wasn't clear to me is why on earth about 100,000 pumpjacks in the US alone are not monitored—other than by someone driving all the way out to the well site every couple of days. With that method, a pump may have been down, or even worse leaking for a day or so before it’s noticed by anyone. That’s several hours of production time that can never be recovered.

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Keep progressive cavity pumps from costly cycles

Posted by Community User on Oct 11, 2018 3:56:32 PM

Progressive cavity pump problems
For pumping heavy oil loaded with sludge, sand and other thickening and abrasive contents, a progressive cavity pump is unparalleled for effectiveness. Almost no other pump design can survive even a few barrels of this kind of oil.
PC pumps allow for pump speed control—a vital option as production levels change over the life of a well. The main drawback to PC pumps comes with restarting them if they have to be stopped for any reason, including overfilled storage tanks, pipeline back pressure or empty diesel fuel tanks. In my experience there is only about a 50-50 chance of getting a PC pump restarted without extended cleaning and servicing by a work-over rig. This costs the producer in both service expenses and in lost production revenue.
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