We tend to lose a lot of things around the house like the TV remote, keys, or phone making us add more stress to our lives as we tend to frantically search for these lost items. Fortunately, we live in an era when automation exists, and you can get key finders to locate items. These detectors can be easily attached to things such as keys, bags, wallets, or even your pet, allowing you to quickly find your lost item, saving you time and stress from searching for them. It's as easy as clicking a button and you know where they are.
For the oil and gas industry, tracking the location of assets can also be a challenge. Using Emerson's Zedi Roughneck, a fixed asset management software solution, allows you to track equipment like compressors for example. When a compressor is not used, it is sometimes moved to be utilized at a different site. In my experience, the only person who would have known about this relocation would be the area foreman.
How to track your equipmentWith the Emerson Zedi Roughneck software, the location of your compressor will be tracked, as will other on-site equipment. Your company would be able to easily follow the surface, background or custom naming conventions for each site. This way, all equipment can then be connected to one location. When it comes time to move the equipment, all historical data will be transferred to the new location.
Our software also has a preventive maintenance schedule/schedule module allowing you to easily create a maintenance schedule for your equipment that automatically renews and informs you once they are coming, active or late. Track your costs and the attached documents associated with all work orders.
Our online app has unlimited users and 24/7 access from anywhere. It also allows people from different departments, locations and time zones to collaborate on changes on site.
Maintain your assets life-cycle
Keeping close tabs on assets is crucial for your company's bottom line, not to mention a requirement if you want to maximize the lifespan of these pricey assets. Using our software will ensure more organized data and analysis into your company assets, locations, value maintenance schedules and more.
Many of our customers are small to medium operators. They were tired of searching though spreadsheets, fumbling through multiple data sources, and just wanted a straightforward place to keep track of their asset data while also being easily accessible. That is without spending a fortune on overly complicated software. So never misplace another compressor again!