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Painless sensor-to-cloud with MQTT

Posted by Amy Thibault on May 10, 2023 11:57:11 AM




You've probably encountered the pain of trying to set up something that you thought was going to be easy and only take a few minutes. It stated it was 'easy' to set up, and of course you're pretty bright so how hard could it really be? And then you open the box... You see more wires, parts, and pieces stuffed in there than SpaceX probably uses to build rockets.

Your heart sinks a bit, your blood pressure instantly rises and you can feel your eyes trying to make sense of the clutter and not knowing what to focus on. Your brain tells you to quickly close that box, and RUN screaming from the room!

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Best IIoT platform developments of 2022

Posted by Community Contributor on Dec 19, 2022 2:58:35 PM


Our expert IIoT platform developers have had another productive year of making our SaaS suite, security and the platform it all lives on it's very best with impactful updates, patches, security changes and development. Here are a few of our favorite updates from 2022 - we hope you agree! Read More

Two-factor authentication for cyber safety

Posted by Amy Thibault on Sep 1, 2022 11:08:36 AM


Cyber security is a significant sustainability challenge for every industry today.

Cyber attacks come in many forms and almost every week we read about another company that has had data become compromised, either from ransomware in a corporation or banking data captured from a retailer. How do you defend against those kinds of attacks while giving your people easy, but secure access to the site or asset data they need in order to efficiently make the best business decisions?

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Going digital - easily move to the cloud

Posted by Amy Thibault on May 3, 2022 11:15:00 AM



Going digital, or Digital Transformation doesn't have to be riddled with complexity or long drawn out time-frames. In fact, it can really be easy, painless and fast and yet still make a huge positive impact on your business.

To stay competitive your company must focus on implementing new digital technologies into your operations to deliver more value to your customers and enable staff to do their job better and with less available internal resources.

To build a digital ecosystem for all stakeholders inside and outside your company means executing digital change activities. Emerson’s Zedi SaaS SCADA is a perfect partner on that journey. We serve various industries and can guide your Digital Transformation journey to your desired destination, and even autonomous operations.

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Best 2021 Zedi Cloud Platform Updates

Posted by Community Contributor on Dec 17, 2021 4:12:57 PM

Emerson’s Zedi Cloud SCADA Solutions has delivered another year full of impactful updates and here are your favorites from 2021 [Infographic] Read More

Customize your cloud strategy

Posted by Community User on Apr 30, 2021 12:30:00 PM

You’ve probably already decided that digitally transforming your operations is necessary as you face a shrinking workforce and tighter budget dollars. The productivity advantages of a full cloud software strategy implementation are many and well documented.

Like cars, snowflakes and superheroes, no two cloud computing service providers are exactly alike, nor are their customers. So, when picking a cloud software provider, it’s important to know if they can adapt or customize their system to exactly what you need (or don't need), or if you’re supposed to bend your procedures to someone’s limited, out-of-the-box configuration.
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Here are some questions to ask before you decide:

  1. Can the vendor’s system easily fit with the hardware you may already have?
  2. Can the new system seamlessly integrate your historical data with the new input they’ll gather?
  3. Are Project Managers available to handle all the details?
  4. Will the vendor provide the reports you need, by format, frequency, user authorization and department needs?
  5. Do they provide ongoing support?

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Cloud SaaS alarms save miles

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 18, 2020 12:45:00 PM


Is your company still sending a pumper out to visually inspect every well? If so, I’m sure you’ve counted the miles and hours, not to mention the costs for fuel, tires and oil changes.

There are also safety issues involved with thousands of monthly miles driven just in case something might need attention. All of this is costing you more than you probably realize. That’s not to mention lost production from issues that occur long between trips.

Maybe you’ve thought about adding or switching to a software as a service (SaaS) platform to get alarms in place, but had heard some stories of how early alarm systems were unreliable, reacting to slight, transient spikes so often that they were soon ignored. That could lead to missing a real alarm.

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How to easily keep track of assets

Posted by Community Contributor on Jun 25, 2020 11:58:00 AM


We tend to lose a lot of things around the house like the TV remote, keys, or phone making us add more stress to our lives as we tend to frantically search for these lost items. Fortunately, we live in an era when automation exists, and you can get key finders to locate items. These detectors can be easily attached to things such as keys, bags, wallets, or even your pet, allowing you to quickly find your lost item, saving you time and stress from searching for them. It's as easy as clicking a button and you know where they are.

For the oil and gas industry, tracking the location of assets can also be a challenge. Using Emerson's Zedi Roughneck, a fixed asset management software solution, allows you to track equipment like compressors for example. When a compressor is not used, it is sometimes moved to be utilized at a different site. In my experience, the only person who would have known about this relocation would be the area foreman.

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Freedom to work from anywhere

Posted by Amy Thibault on Jun 18, 2020 10:52:00 AM


Way, way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I had a very annoying flip phone that was really only able to make and receive calls and (upon the rare occasion) get and send a few random text messages from other techie types. The main reason I found this phone so annoying is I wanted it to be able to do so much more; and it seemed like it shouldn't be all that difficult to make it happen.

But, that's all there was on the market at the time.

I continuously wondered why on earth someone didn't make them to fetch my email, or have a decent camera in them. Then it finally became a reality and just like that we all became more mobile than we had ever dreamed of being! It was AWESOME being set free from waiting for an email, and unchained from my desk where I would often be found waiting for information to be sent.

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Our heads are in the cloud

Posted by Community Contributor on Jun 16, 2020 9:33:00 AM

We’ve been innovating in the automation arena for decades. Still, recently, Cloud SCADAwe realized that we had several departments working on this separately—and that we could benefit from pooling our efforts and getting an even bigger picture of the possibilities.

So, we asked ourselves this critical question “What should we be doing to innovate on a larger scale to help our oil and gas production customers become even more efficient?”

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