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Reduce pipeline leak detection alarm fatigue

Posted by Community Contributor on Feb 1, 2021 11:45:00 AM

The human information processing system (better known as our "attention span") will choose and arrange sensory input to focus on the appropriate thoughts or behaviors while avoiding unnecessary distractions. Our attention can only handle so much. 

When energy companies deal with alarm fatigue, workers are subject to various alarms (alerts) and consequently become desensitized to them; This leads to longer response times and missed alarm warnings. Alarm control and management are vital to avoiding alarm fatigue. 

The pressure for field personnel to multi-task is high yet focusing on more than one task at a time is very difficult. Alarm fatigue increases the chances of an actual leak going undetected, resulting in significant damages to the environment lease property, revenue, and presenting a hazardous situation until the leak is caught, repaired, remediated.

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Improve efficiencies with Zedi Roughneck Modules

Posted by Grand Lau on Nov 25, 2020 12:45:00 PM



Easily eliminate the tedious administrative challenges your business faces in meeting regulatory compliance requirements.

Emerson's Zedi Roughneck™ is a web-based Asset Management, Preventative Maintenance (PM), Health, Safety, and Environmental application. Our application acts as a secure single source repository for various documents such as inspection and calibration reports, safety procedures, drawings, invoices, standard operating procedures, and more.

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Effectively merge SCADA data

Posted by Amy Thibault on Sep 9, 2020 12:15:00 PM




Mergers and acquisitions are a part of life in the oil patch in any economic environment. 

Sometimes those transactions are fast and furious making our heads spin because of the amount of opportunity they can quickly deliver.

The steps taken after the sales transaction has occurred are what really determines the value of the long term return. Sure it was hard work putting the 'deal' together and making sure everything was in alignment before you even signed the dotted line. But, as with so many things in life, that was just the beginning of way more work, way more time, and way more attention needed to every detail to be sure the true value is realized and your previous efforts (and money) were well spent.


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Digital Transformation upgrade

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 25, 2020 12:45:00 PM

Technology is constantly evolving, leaving many oil and gas producers wondering Digital transformation cloud scadawhen the right time is to replace the old with the new. When producers invest in new technologies for their business, they can expect more profits, more production, and more sustainability.


Deciding how to upgrade, or when you're ready to upgrade isn't always easy, but we're here to help you with the change that's involved.


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Cloud SaaS alarms save miles

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 18, 2020 12:45:00 PM


Is your company still sending a pumper out to visually inspect every well? If so, I’m sure you’ve counted the miles and hours, not to mention the costs for fuel, tires and oil changes.

There are also safety issues involved with thousands of monthly miles driven just in case something might need attention. All of this is costing you more than you probably realize. That’s not to mention lost production from issues that occur long between trips.

Maybe you’ve thought about adding or switching to a software as a service (SaaS) platform to get alarms in place, but had heard some stories of how early alarm systems were unreliable, reacting to slight, transient spikes so often that they were soon ignored. That could lead to missing a real alarm.

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Uncovering hidden LOEs

Posted by Community Contributor on Aug 11, 2020 12:30:00 PM

The daunting task of keeping track of your expenses can be time-consuming how to lower loe for oil production or gas productionand overwhelming if not managed correctly and efficiently. With the increase of mobile apps and other productivity tools, managing expenses has gotten easier.

For oil and gas, managing lease operating expenses (LOE) has gotten easier with automation and software solutions. Now, there are fewer reasons not to have the costs eat away at your companies’ ability to operate wells and keep costs within budget without having to shut-in operations.

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How to easily keep track of assets

Posted by Community Contributor on Jun 25, 2020 11:58:00 AM


We tend to lose a lot of things around the house like the TV remote, keys, or phone making us add more stress to our lives as we tend to frantically search for these lost items. Fortunately, we live in an era when automation exists, and you can get key finders to locate items. These detectors can be easily attached to things such as keys, bags, wallets, or even your pet, allowing you to quickly find your lost item, saving you time and stress from searching for them. It's as easy as clicking a button and you know where they are.

For the oil and gas industry, tracking the location of assets can also be a challenge. Using Emerson's Zedi Roughneck, a fixed asset management software solution, allows you to track equipment like compressors for example. When a compressor is not used, it is sometimes moved to be utilized at a different site. In my experience, the only person who would have known about this relocation would be the area foreman.

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Access data while working from home

Posted by Amy Thibault on Jun 4, 2020 3:35:04 PM




How do you like working from home? Since our world turned upside down I think it's been easier for some of us to adjust than others to remain, or even become more productive. Most of which completely depends on how you access your files and data to continue to WOW the boss, even in the strangest of times when people are told we have to stay home.

You need your files and data to all be easily visible from top to bottom without relying on thumb drives, portable hard drives, old drives, or clunky undependable drives that should have been replaced years ago or, worst of all—boxes of paper files (I'm cringing at the thought of that one)!

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Keep progressive cavity pumps from costly cycles

Posted by Community User on Oct 11, 2018 3:56:32 PM

Progressive cavity pump problems
For pumping heavy oil loaded with sludge, sand and other thickening and abrasive contents, a progressive cavity pump is unparalleled for effectiveness. Almost no other pump design can survive even a few barrels of this kind of oil.
PC pumps allow for pump speed control—a vital option as production levels change over the life of a well. The main drawback to PC pumps comes with restarting them if they have to be stopped for any reason, including overfilled storage tanks, pipeline back pressure or empty diesel fuel tanks. In my experience there is only about a 50-50 chance of getting a PC pump restarted without extended cleaning and servicing by a work-over rig. This costs the producer in both service expenses and in lost production revenue.
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Zedi Roughneck™ helps you track stuff

Posted by Grand Lau on Jan 11, 2018 2:30:00 PM


Have you seen the dashboards on today’s cars? The information they give you is amazing—you can almost get where you’re going by watching the dashboard alone.

The idea, of course, is to consolidate information you need in order to stay safe; what’s behind you, beside you and in front of you and when they get too close.

Zedi’s Roughneck™ software is a lot like that. It tells you the location of equipment like compressors, pumpjacks and other onsite equipment, along with pipeline inventory, preventative maintenance programs and more, so that’s what’s around you. It also lets you track moves of that equipment so your information stays current.

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