More aspects of oil and gas operations are joining the autonomous operations revolution. Now the iconic rod pump is enabling significant improvements with its operations regarding efficiency, safety and production.
The sun is actually rising on a new rod pump era with Emerson's Zedi Autonomous Rod Pump Management that is now changing the way producers and operations work each day for the better.
What was once endless trips to the well site with only two typical outcomes, both of which are a problem: It’s working fine, so no trip was needed; or it’s been down for two days and someone should’ve been out there to make repairs and restore production—or clean up a spill—hours, or days ago.Instead, Emerson's Zedi Autonomous Rod Pump Management’s cloud-based web interface helps you protect production, profits and sustainability. It also pushes data out to any third-party platform you may use for accounting or other analysis. Your authorized people can access this data, any time and from anywhere.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can absorb and analyze massive amounts of data from your pump’s sensors in no time. AI and ML can present solutions or, in many cases, make corrections themselves based on millions of learned data points. This can reduce or prevent downtime, extend pump life and increase production. Savings on overhead combine with increases in production to create much greater cash flow in every field.
Here’s a list of what our advanced analytics can currently detect and solve:
• Fluid Pounding
• Gas Interference
• Gas Lock
• Parted Rods
• Sticking Pump Barrel
• Waxing
• Sanding
• Stuck Piston
• Traveling Valve Stuck Open
• Traveling Valve Stuck Closed
Innovative Solutions
These solutions also improve workflows and safety because scheduled well trips are eliminated. The only time there’s a well trip is when AI says repairs or maintenance are needed or a tank is full and needs pumping. The rest of the time, your staff is doing productive work instead of counting jackrabbits along the roadside.
Fewer site trips means greater safety for your people, and the rest of us on the road too.
Even better, when your techs do travel to the site, they’ll already know what the issue likely is, so the right people and the right parts will be included in the first trip.
This is evergreen software—updates are made regularly and incrementally. Most of the time, they’ll be basically invisible. If there’s any update that creates a question, our Support personnel are available 24/7 to answer any questions. User training is also readily available by video or a quick call.
Are you ready to get more efficient? Are you ready to improve your reports to investors, boost safety and increase production from those faithful and trusty rod pumps?
Then call or email us today to learn more about how Emerson's Zedi Cloud SCADA Solutions can make all your numbers look better!