tel: 866 732 6967


Optimize your people for more production

Thrive through technology change

What's so great about edge?

Sea to shining sea production data analytics

3 Quick tips to increase your OEM customer loyalty

Offshore oil and gas production meets James Bond

Top 2023 cloud-native IIoT platform updates

Cloud-Native IIoT for onshore and offshore oil and gas production

Production machines talk to you with machine health monitoring

How OEM partnerships can next level your business outcomes

5 keys to prevent production downtime

Sharpen your data sharing for import or export

IIoT support increases safety for high temperature tanks

Unravel your wild industrial data

Three examples of cloud-native IIoT to prevent downtime

Optimize rod pumps with advanced analytics

Unlock operational insights

Know natural gas distribution pressures

IIoT helps cash-strapped water utilities

Fearlessly focus on your operations

Reduce offshore production expenses

You provide drinkable water—we provide actionable data

Focus your energy on efficient operations with IIoT

Getting data from any remote location

Data delivers smarter predictions

Longevity and reputation builds IIoT security & trust

IIoT to Mine Your Data Increases Underground Uptime and Safety

Preventative maintenance for machines timed right

Your actionable analytics from anywhere

Painless sensor-to-cloud with MQTT

Best IIoT platform developments of 2022

Make air flow smart for efficient ops

Good vibrations for packaging manufacturer uptime

Find a secure home for your data

Increase public safety with gas distribution control

Find the real value of your operations

Increase industrial cybersecurity with two-factor authentication

Gain greater control over your operations

Organize your data for stronger return

Hassle-free access to data analytics

Two-factor authentication for cyber safety

The math of cloud mobility

Get ahead of water infrastructure issues

Going digital - easily move to the cloud

Analyzing data in the Cloud

Build your energy production workforce

New era of autonomous rod pump is here

Getting cloud on time and on budget with Project Management services

Quickly filling the skilled people gap

Identify rod pump anomalies using AI

Implement your cloud platform strategy

Start to finish project management

Why centralizing data in the cloud matters

Gas distribution safety transformation

Master configuring your asset alarms with Zedi Access

Best of both ESG and efficiency goals

Cloud-based gas distribution management builds customer trust

Applying advanced analytics

Manage rod pump problems to gain more production

Driving smart and actionable data

Manage by exception saves thousands of hours yearly

Best 2021 Zedi Cloud Platform Updates

Take the smooth road to ESG and fiscal performance

One size operational digital transformation does not fit all

Discover operational benefits with cloud mobility

Creating a digital workforce for your operations

Next level your current SCADA

Gain more time with Zedi Composition Management

Operational data security lane

Improve operations to meet city natural gas distribution challenges

Cloud Tank Monitoring with alarm management services

Solid return on operational tech investing

Customize your cloud strategy

Software delivers safety and braves any conditions for your operations

Operational reporting with Zedi Vital

Digital transformation prescription

Remote tanks with monitoring for digital transformation

Roadmap your digital transformation

Park your compressor monitoring truck

Improve internal communications via cloud-based measurement schematics

Help to meet pipe leak regulations

Increased safety and return for remote water management

Rod pump monitoring and control with artificial intelligence

Meet AER regulations with Zedi Measurement Schematics

Meet pipeline leak detection regulations using the cloud

Innovative water and wastewater cloud platform solutions

Preventative maintenance to avoid production equipment failures

Reduce pipeline leak detection alarm fatigue

Digital Transformation to an IIoT Cloud Platform made easy

Top 2020 Platform Updates

Autonomous Rod Pump Solution

Tomorrow matters today

Improve efficiencies with Zedi Roughneck Modules

Fast and easy SCADA for gas distribution

Water management control and safety in the cloud

Safely secure your gas distribution data

Safer water management

Progressing with IIoT on the cloud

Data visualization with Zedi Dashboards

Create measurement schematics with ease

Effectively merge SCADA data

Digital Transformation upgrade

Easily capture production data

Cloud SaaS alarms save miles

What machine learning really means

Uncovering hidden LOEs

It's your secure data

Test new software features

Keep going... with Zedi Go mobile app

How to easily keep track of assets

Freedom to work from anywhere

Our heads are in the cloud

The self-driving oil well

Be prepared for the unexpected

Access data while working from home

Field data done right

Listening to oil and gas data

Easily grow production software

How data insights help you win big

The best 2019 software updates

How to digitally transform to autonomous oil and gas production

Be the Captain of your operations boat

How to speed the way to autonomous production

DeltaV™ SaaS SCADA Alarm Experts are (almost) magic

Juggling is for the circus

Simplify and consolidate your data

How the cloud can expedite operational project timelines

Tank monitoring is simple and effective

Top 5 tips to increase oil and gas production

Ice cold safety

Fishing to optimize operations

The gift of safety

Increase rod pump oil well production

Best of 2018 Zedi Access updates [Infographic]

Unconventional wells exceed expectations with unconventional lift

Autonomous production is now

Accurately alarming a pipeline leak

Keep progressive cavity pumps from costly cycles

Safety in these numbers

Safety is trust, training and people—even at home

Build the bridge between your gas compositions and EFMs

Pumping your smartphone with well data for upload—that’s Zedi Go!

Historical analyses and manage by exception with ZCM

Dog days of summer - Heat safety

Simple ways to get data into Zedi Vital

True cost of in-house SCADA

Why you love our HMI (Human Machine Interface)

Now you see it: Zedi Video Surveillance adds remote asset security

Pump more productivity into your day with Zedi’s compressor monitoring

Four things to consider before self-hosting your SCADA system

Why mobile apps are the future of the oil and gas industry

Safe kids - Recognizing hot summer vehicle hazards

The top 3 production growth tools

Of all your SCADA data, how do you know what you need to know?

The science of safety with software

Gain control with predictive analytics through IIoT

Teamwork to assess and reduce risk

Quickly remedy wellsite production problems

Numbers don’t lie—but they may not tell the whole story, either

Want all your data in the palm of your hand? Let’s talk about Zedi Go

3 easy steps to easily digitally transform your operations

Data is the new oil

Zedi Roughneck™ helps you track stuff

Tame your tanks, know your levels

Accurately merge all your SCADA data

Fresh production software supplies you with stronger profits

The human element is the biggest part of cyber security

IIoT helps humans (and machines)

Delight is in the Details

Manage gas and liquid composition analysis

The Grocery Store, IIoT, & Zedi Go

Mobile is Now

Impact of Unplanned or Reactive Maintenance

Roots in Oklahoma: Real Innovation and How Things Have Changed

How Zedi Optimized Production and Improved Operations on Offshore Oil Wells

Implementing an Integrity and Risk Management Process

What is Zedi Vital?

How the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) makes every day better

Top 10 Tips to Preparing an Annual EPAP Declaration

Remote Detection and Resolution of Common Rod Pumping Issues

Gas and liquid analysis sampling AER rules

What you need to know for AER measurement schematics regulations

Measurement Errors Cost Money: Inaccurate Gas Volumes

The #1 Reason You Question the Value of SCADA… And How to Solve It

3 Things producers need to consider when investing in SCADA

Top 5 Obstacles for Alarm Management

Why Cloud Computing is Smart for Oil and Gas Producers

Preventative Maintenance: Forgotten Element of Efficiency

Make sense out of nonsense: tame your big data